It isn’t business as usual any more! We’ve known it all along. That’s why there are hardly any companies where change isn’t high up on the agenda. But nobody really knows how sustainable change works. There are only two alternatives in these times of continuous disruption: We can hop on board the train of change or we can get left behind on the platform. We can either change ourselves or disappear from the market.
But how do you manage to actively shape change and keep reinventing yourself while continuously motivating the team? Because change hasn’t been a once-in-a-blue-moon thing for a long time. Now it’s a continuous process, and the key to success lies not in temporary projects, state-of-the-art methods, or complicated theories. What matters is the attitude, mindset, and engagement of every single employee.
In his motivation manifesto, Ilja Grzeskowitz gives you the brainfood you need. In 77 1/7 inspirational thoughts, he will show you how to foster a culture of change characterized by openness, innovation, and the courage to find new ways. He shares valuable tips, shakes us up, and encourages us to think laterally. After all, companies only change if people change. Only when we grow as a person can we become better entrepreneurs, managers, and employees.
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Original title: Let’s talk about change, baby! Ein Motivations-Manifest für Unternehmer, Querdenker, und alle, die es werden wollen
GABAL Verlag: 2017
Author: Ilja Grzeskowitz
184 pages
ISBN 978-3-86936-758-3