For centuries, alchemists were known for their ability to turn base materials into gold. Mental Alchemy operates on a similar principle: it allows you to transform inhibiting thoughts into golden opportunities.
We often face three significant challenges in life: fear, problems, and the temptation to give up. These challenges can hinder our progress and prevent us from realizing our full potential. However, we can unlock our true potential by learning to transform this 'base material' of our lives into gold.
This book offers simple yet effective ways to turn your fears and problems into opportunities. It will teach you how to harness the power of Mental Alchemy through:
Published in
Original title: Mentale Alchemie – So verwandeln
Sie Ängste, Probleme und die Versuchung
aufzugeben in goldene Chancen.
Original language: German
Number of pages: 181
Author: Bodo Schäfer